Tag Archive: life

London Wonderland

Zoological Society of London

Zoological Society of London (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you ever visit London, don’t forget to spend a day at the London Zoo. The Zoological Society of London are doing a very good job helping preserve some endangered animals. These beautiful animals from all over the world are available for all visitors to see.  It’s also a place to learn about animals and their natural habitats.

I have always have had a rather love/hate relationship with zoos. A part of me, and I think a few other people feel the same way, always  felt its cruel removing wild animals from their natural habitats (Some of them very hot climes, tropical climes, etc) and supplant them in some zoo in Europe for the convenience of the paying public. Like putting all those beautiful fish in a gold bowl! However, the world aint that simple and things are not always straightforward. A lot of animals are at risk of becoming extinct, like the Dodo. Rhinos are especially susceptible. Several animal species are being killed unabated for ‘medicinal’, ‘sexual’, ‘fashion’  and other nefarious claims. Organisations like the Zoological Society of London are waging a war (unarmed war, I should add) against these barbaric people and organisations. And they will always require the support people provide. It would be splendid to go on a safari in Africa and watch the black and white rhinos minding their own business.  Chilling out in their own joint or den! Messing about with the Leopard and Gazelles!Would it not be marvelous to visit North America and watch the Bald Eagle rule the skies, flying majestically across the plains! Or watch in wonder at the majestic wonder at the  Peregrine Falcon‘s speed’ and also marvel at the beauty and athleticism of the Polar Bear. Or if North America is too cold, visit South America and watch the Macaw splendidly crisscrossing the forest hunting for ants; or even watch the Bespectacled Bear enjoying some semblance of freedom in Colombia. Why oh why even consider killing the rather cute Koala Bears-But people do. Isnt it sad that Free Willy or Kung Fu Panda are some of the best movies ever created by man, yet the same human species does not think twice  murdering the Pandas and Whales. It is sad. Every continent, every country has its shameless eople who are are killing these animals. Some generations will never know about these animals. It is a tragedy.

Even one so revered like the Dalai Lama felt compelled to urge people to respect the wildlife around us:

“Our ancestors viewed the Earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. Many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we now know is the case only if we care for it. It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past which resulted from ignorance. Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations. Our marvels of science and technology are matched if not outweighed by many current tragedies, including human starvation in some parts of the world, and the extinction of other life-forms. The exploration of space takes place at the same time as the Earth’s own oceans, seas, and fresh water areas grow increasingly polluted. Many of the Earth’s habitats, animals, plants, insects, and even micro-organisms that we know as rare may not be known at all by future generations. We have the capability, and the responsibility. We must act before it is too late.”

This is why organisations like the ZSL must be applauded for a good job they are doing. London Zoo is remarkable. It hosts some of the most beautiful, and most endangered animals from across the globe. The people looking after these animals are so welcoming. So sweet, you feel like wanting to be part of their team. Even for just a few hours.

There are so many animals to marvel at. There is so much to learn in this beautiful part of London. The staff are so helpful and quite informative. My favourite  animals were the wild dogs (Africa), the Lions, Tigers, fish…well I could go on and on. The penguins though did catch my eye. They were exceptional, and the talk was superb. We were lucky to be present during the feeding time. Ricky, one of the penguins there has actually become some celebrity. He has his own Facebook page. Its worth checking Ricky’s story and it worth finding out about all the animals in this zoo.

London has loads of great places to see and have fun. But there is no place that beats London Zoo. Visit and support the Zoological Society of London and with that, you will help ensure that at least one species of wildlife will survive for our children and grandchildren to see. We had a grand time visiting the zoo. One of my mates had never been to a zoo, let alone see wild life! He left London Zoo wondering how and why it had taken him so long to appreciate the beauty of wildlife. Next time in London, remember London Zoo. Love Life, Love London.

A day at the Olympics

The weather was great. The stadium was buzzing. The Olympic Park was teeming with people-Welcome to London 2012

Watched Usain Bolt in the 200m heats. Highlight of the day. He was very quick. Too quick for the chasers. Also saw his heir apparent, Yohane Blake. He is a strong sprinter. OMG

Usain Bolt in celebration about 1 or 2 seconds...

Usain Bolt in celebration about 1 or 2 seconds after his 100m victory at Beijing Olympics 2008, breaking the world record. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Olympic Park is a magnificent tribute to the Olympic Heritage. It’s like a hive. So much buzzing. So many people. All having fun. No trouble too. London /2012 is worth the cost to the taxpayer. The spectators are having a ball. So too are the athletes. It’s sad though when an athlete gets disqualified for a false start. Rules are rather strict.
Talking of rules. It’s rather nightmarish going into Olympic Park. Security is so tight bordering on the ludicrous. I am sure these measures are necessary, after all there is (un)clear and rather present danger. However, the security measures kinda spoils the fun to a degree. Even Usain Bolt made his tuppence worth comment on the measures.
The organisers deserve a pat on the back for the great work. It is a magnificent spectacle. There are Live events such as Park Live, there are groups of performers around the park, and all amenities are easily accessible. The support staff are quite helpful too. I should add.
Britain is third on the medals table. Who would have bet on that (Refer to 3 other Olympics articles on this website). China and USA are fighting for top dog status. The Team GB athletes deserve all the applauds. So do all the other athletes from all the other countries. It is disappointing though that Team GB were not even competing  in the steeplechase.  Team GB were also found wanting in javelin, hurdles, sprints, triple jump etc. Surely with all the lottery and other sports funding Team GB should have been doing much better. Not that the natives are complaining. It’s just that I’m sure we spend more on developing our sprinters say in comparison to Jamaica. For instance, yet Jamaicans are somehow quicker. Could it be the training? Maybe some athletes should emulate Mo Farah and enlist with overseas trainers to help them cross that bridge. Swimming and diving are the other sports that disappointed. Without trying to apportion any blame on anyone, Team GB should and could have done much better.
One bit of the Olympic story I could never understand is the Philips Odowu story. How can an athlete chosen to represent a country be so ‘big’ to be allowed to dictate to the selectors? If he was not fit, he should not have been selected. Period. If he was not prepared to avail himself, he should never have been allowed to represent the country. One athlete holding a country to ransom? Maybe there is more to this sad saga than we are made to know. Either way, surely Olympic selectors should reserve the right to assess and monitor the fitness levels of all those selected. It also beggars belief that the UK can only produce one strong male triple jumper in fours years! Someone, somewhere is not doing their job right. Surely the country should have a few long jumpers on the wings and if we can produce a university graduate in say 3-6 years, why can’t we regularly produce athletes good enough to compete at the Olympic level?
The international community has made these Olympics what it is, a great carnival. We have met loads of folk from overseas and everyone is having a ball. May this glorious spirit continue to flourish.

I am a prisoner. Locked up in my own cell. The world is the warden.
I can not drink
I want a drink
You drink too much, they say
Your liver is gonna go.

I am a prisoner in my own prison
I can not face them
Demons control me, they say
You are a bad influence, some say
I know not what they know

I am a prisoner in a world I once belonged
I can not walk
I can not get out of the house
You don’t belong here they say
A waste of skin

I am a prisoner gaoled within my mortal coil
I am my own warden
Voices tell me I am useless
They tell me they hate me,
A waste of space

I am a prisoner for all to see,
The world is the warden
I am scared of my own shadow
I am going to burn in hell,
The man with the white collar says

I am a prisoner no one wants
Forgotten by my friends
Unwanted by kith and kin
Banished to the prison that is within me
Loneliness is my companion

I am prisoner,
My conscience is the warden
You can’t say that, I hear it say
You can not do that, the voice says
I know I am no good

I am a Prisoner, no one can save
The dark walls surround me
An abyss I slowly sink into

Prisoner (TV series)

Prisoner (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Locked away in darkness
No one to save me

I am a prisoner, marooned, abandoned
Unseen walls around me
I know not what freedom is’
Float like a butterfly, fight, man fight
There is no fight left in me

Drink blog

Out on the lush . Cheap booze at Thomas Burke
 in God’s own Country, England.

This was meant to be a cool drinker’s blog. And unfortunately, the ‘demon drink‘ played tricks up and the brain got lazy. Be that as it may,  I have often wondered why after one or 2 drinks the creative part of the brain works up. Chat up lines get more acute, vision gets better, its more fun and the world becomes one’s oyster.

I am not trying to glorify drink. No one should. However, I am also not trying to speak badly of drinking. Some people do. I have never been ‘holier than thou’ and shan’t start pretending to be after all the years of experience i have gathered. Like a moss. I have often had, and often recounted that the Bible recorded the first historical account of the acceptance of ‘alcohol’ within the Christian faith. Wines were made  miraculously by Jesus. If alcohol was such a demonic drink…..The thing about drink that we all appreciate is that it gets us trolleyed. Bladdered. Whacked. Drunk. We can never ever conquer it, however, how many times we try. It’s actually quite funny sometimes watching people dance after they have had a few drinks, especially at weddings.

I actually remember the first time I had a drink. I was a late developer,so all my mates were veterans by the time I started. My first ever drink was a gin & tonic! Oh yes. I used to hang out with ladies who liked to ‘lunch’, and they always had G&T. The ribbing I get these days from my mates when I ordered a G&T! It was especially quite bad a few months ago when on a boys weekend, we visited a small village near Cardiff, and lo and behold yours truly ordered a G&T-all my mates were drinking lager/beer or whisky! I had to endure some spicy remarks. Messages were even posted on Facebook,but I stuck to my guns. I digressed there. When I started drinking, I tried to hide it from my mom so much that my sisters found it hilarious. My mom knew all along that I was drinking, well, not at alot but still I could not man up and say ‘mom I love you, but I also love a beer now and again!’ She ‘only found’ out when one night, I just could not stand or sit still and ended up knocking the food off the table. I had outed myself! Very embarrassing indeed.

Talking of parents, do you ever wonder why parents are always good at scaring kids. Its like they attend a ‘parents’ school whose main subject is ‘Scare the hell off those little kids’. . ‘Hell’ here has no religious relevance, its a substitute for a word I felt some of a unique disposition may find rather crass. You here parents, ad infinitum claiming: ‘Don’t do that or you will go blind’; ‘Dont  watch too much TV or your eyes get square’….There is always a warning attached to something that kids like to do. Wouldn’t it be funny to have  ‘Parenting skills‘ as part of the school syllabus. That way we could get formalised qualifications as the current hotchpotch system aint working. universities will not struggle to get students and the scourge of conservatism-single parenthood could be eliminated! Imagine having a PhD in parenting from Harvard? Or University of Oxford? Or even Oxford-Brookes? One thing for certain though is that no one will ever agree on the curriculum. It is a pleasure being a parent and like breathing, it is something that should come naturally. It can be a challenge, and very difficult. Breathing can challenging too after a run, exercise or overly-excited. And also when unwell.

I am off camping. I  hope you are all having a great summer. Happy drinking.  Happy parenting. Or just be happy, what ever you are doing.


Dalai lama lotus

Dalai lama lotus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.


2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.


3. Follow the three Rs: 1. Respect for self 2. Respect for others 3. Responsibility for all your actions.


4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.


5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.


6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.


7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.


8. Spend some time alone every day.


9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.


10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.


11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.


12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.


13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.


14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.


15. Be gentle with the earth.


16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.


17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.


18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.




By kind courtesy of Unboundedspirit


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